
Information about cookies

The controller of personal data and the operator of this website is Campiri s.r.o., Company Registration No.: 09283447, a company entered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 345166, having its registered office at Charlese de Gaulla 1124/19, Bubeneč, 160 00 Prague 6. The controller uses cookies for the following purposes: website operation, behaviour of visitors to the website and targeted advertising.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file, which is stored in your device, e.g. a computer, mobile phone or tablet after you have visited a website. Cookies are intended to simplify the visit to the website, provide an offer based on your preferences, adapt the website to your needs, and enable you to browse the website comfortably and without disturbance. On the other hand, cookies do not serve for collecting your sensitive personal data and access data.

What types of cookies do we use?

We distinguish between first-party cookies stored in your device directly by us and third-party cookies stored in your device by a third party.


Functionality cookies, i.e. necessary cookies, are cookies we cannot do without and are necessary for the proper operation and security of the website. It means your consent is not required for such cookies.


Marketing cookies help us offer you products and services based on your previous preferences and browsed items. Thanks to these cookies, we do not overburden you with uninteresting things; on the contrary, we offer you what interested you or could have interested you in the past. However, we need your consent for this.

On our web, we use the marketing tools of Google Analytics, marketing services of Facebook and Seznam.cz, a.s., or Adform.


Analytics cookies collect analytical data from the website, e.g. the number of visitors to the website, most frequently used items in the website, so that we can improve continuously. Again, we need your consent to the use of such cookies.

Functionalitycookie testThis cookie enables to determine whether the visitor has given their consent to the use of cookies. campiri.comrelace
FunctionalitysidThis cookie enables to determine requirements of visitors to the website. seznam.cz
(3rd page)
29 days
Functionalitytest_cookieThis cookie serves for detecting whether the visitor´s browser supports cookies. doubleclick.net
(3rd page)
1 day
AnalyticsGoogle analyticsIt serves for collecting data about the number of the visitor´s visits to the website, and about the dates of the first and last visit. campiri.com2 years
AnalyticsGoogle analyticsIt keeps records of the unique ID used for generating statistical data about how the visitor uses the website. campiri.com2 years
AnalyticsGoogle analyticsIt serves for limiting the number of requirements. campiri.com1 day
AnalyticsGoogle analyticsIt registers the unique ID used for generating statistical data about how the visitor uses the website. campiri.com1 day
AnalyticsGoogle analyticsIt serves for sending information about the visitor´s device and their behaviour. It maps the visitor across devices and marketing channels. campiri.comsession
MarketingfbpUsed by Facebook to offer targeted advertising. campiri.com3 months
MarketinggaexpThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to determine whether the visitor is involved in their marketing campaigns.campiri.com3 days
MarketingshopifyIt collects data about the behaviour and interaction of visitors in order to optimise the website and improve the targeting of advertising in the website. campiri.com2 years
Marketingga audiencesUsed by Google Ads to readdress visitors who will probably become customers, on the basis of online behaviour of visitors on various webs. google.com
(3rd page)
MarketingadformIt serves for checking whether the visitor´s browser supports cookies.adform.net
(3rd page)
30 days
MarketingsmartlookIt collects statistical data related to the visitor´s visits to the web and visited pages. It is aimed to segment the users of the website according to factors, such as the demographic and geographic position, enabling media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups and tailor advertising to them.campiri.com13 months
MarketingfacebookIt serves for providing advertising products, such as offers from advertisers. facebook pixel
(3rd page)
MarketingtiktokIt is used by the TikTok social network service for monitoring the use of internal services.campiri.comsession
MarketingadformIt registers the unique ID of the user recognised by the user´s browser during the visit to websites that use the same advertising network. The purpose is to optimise the displaying of advertisements on the basis of the user´s behaviour and the offer of advertising agencies.adform.net
(3rd page)
2 months

Cookies are processed by other processors:

Provider of the Google Analytics service operated by Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,

Provider of the Google Adwords service operated by Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,

Provider of the Facebook service operated by Facebook, located at Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025,

Provider of the Doubleclick service operated by Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA,

Seznam.cz, a.s., Company Reg. No.: 26168685, located at Radlická 3294/10, Prague 5, Post Code 150 00.

What if you wish to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies, or what if you want to learn more?

Cookies can be reset on our web or you can reject all cookies in the settings of your browser. However, when you reject all cookies, the web might not work properly, or we might not be able to offer advertisements tailored to your needs.

As a data subject, you have e.g. the right to request information about the manner we process your personal data, you have the right to request access to your personal data, to have them rectified, you have the right to the erasure of your personal data, or you have the right to object and to file a complaint to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, or you have the right to court protection. Detailed information about your rights and other information can be found in the Personal Data Protection document .

Should you have any question, please contact us by e-mail at jedeme@campiri.cz or via the customer line at +420 608 258 390.

The information will be updated on a regular basis so that they reflect any legislative changes and the current situation in our web at all times.

Last update 20 December 2021