
Camping adventure alone

Camping adventure alone
Prague Labs
3 minutes of reading

Have you ever been camping alone or is it on your bucket list? The advantages of traveling alone are definitely flexibility, time for yourself, and a lot of peace. However, there are a few things to keep in mind - but they are by no means a restriction. Traveling alone with a camper is also possible - promised. Rent a camper and start your camping adventure alone.

Traveling alone

Master challenges, overcome fears, and have plenty of time to think and get to know yourself better. All of this can be experienced when traveling alone. Do 100% what you just feel like, consider no one and implement even at first glance absurd ideas - you're alone on the road anyway and do not have to justify 😉 Positive, but also negative thoughts come into your head. But what could be better than leaving everything behind in a time full of activities, work, and everyday stress and having moments just for yourself?

FreewayCamper Travelling alone
FreewayCamper Travelling alone
Thoughts and feelings

FASCINATION - sitting alone in front of the camper, enjoying the sunset, and letting everything take effect on you. Of course, this is also a great experience together with your partner, family, or friends, but something is liberating about focusing entirely on yourself and enjoying the moment.

EXCITEMENT - having thought of everything before the trip, mastering difficult situations on your own, and coping with being alone are thoughts that run through your head. However, the positive excitement of having an adventure and discovering new places prevails.

DOUBT - listening to your own thoughts and getting it all done. But that's part of it. When you face challenges, even with a queasy feeling, you end up feeling even a little prouder to have done it all on your own. It's a healthy respect for certain risks.

JOY - meeting new people on the trip, sharing about the experiences, and doing your thing. When traveling alone there are so many opportunities to meet others, talk, but also to step back and enjoy being by yourself.

Feelings and thoughts control your day, but what's funny about that? You are not alone, you have your camper from FreewayCamper with you. It offers you protection, comfort, and the best way to get from one place to another. Whether it's a MINI with a roof tent, a VW Bulli T6.1 California Ocean, or one of our Pössl models - each one is a suitable partner for camping alone!

Camping alone with FreewayCamper
Camping alone with FreewayCamper
Tips for overnight stays and parking when camping alone

Nevertheless, you should choose a suitable camping site well. Spending the night alone on a road bike is not the best solution, especially since this is not allowed in Germany. Also in the rest area, you should not stay overnight - but there it is also not very nice. Actually, there is nothing to be afraid of. You can lock the car and if it's a bit scary for you, jump in the driver's seat and drive off 😉 But campsites are still best.

Insider tips and be careful

If you want to be really well prepared for your trip, then consider the following things and start relaxed in your camping experience alone:

  • Stop watching thrillers or scary series in time.
  • Pack your camper according to a packing list
  • Plan enough time
  • Find a safe and well-arranged camping spot or a nice campsite
  • Take a good book or an audiobook with you
  • Be open to meeting new people and sharing your experiences
  • Don't spend too much time during the day
  • Keep a travel diary, so you feel like you are sharing your experiences with someone.
  • Enjoy every moment
  • Be grateful for what you have
The beauty of camping alone

The beauty of camping aloneis actually being alone. It can be very liberating and relaxing at the same time. Engaging with yourself - something that always gets lost in everyday life - and listening to your thoughts and feelings. You are completely free and flexible, don't have to consider anyone else, and can do everything that comes to mind. When can you ever do that? Absolute freedom - it simply doesn't matter what you do, when, how long and why.

Camping Alone
Camping Alone

Don't let your fears and the possible concerns of your family and friends deter you. It is so great to be alone somewhere in the middle of nowhere and basically, you are not alone at all, because you have one of our campers with you. Whether it's Fritzi, Angelika, or Fred - they always have an open ear, protect you from bad weather and get you safely where you want to go.Everyone should have done this once.

We are looking forward to your adventure alone with one of our travel-loving campers.

Your FreewayCamper Team